Thursday 28 November 2019

Its alright ma (I'm only crying)

Dear Mummy,

Today something happened! I was at the breakfast at this hotel, and at the menu spread I saw i saw something that looked familiar.. and I looked down for the name .. and it was Seera.

Ok, Seera.. the sweet dish, an unusual sweet dish to find on the menu of a hotel. I took two spoon of it walking to my table. and mummy, something unusual was happening.. I had moistness in my eyes, and when I sat and looked at my plate, that moistness as swelled into a thick layer of tear on my eyes that i could harly see the seera on my plate.

and, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Mummy, it was seera, that you cooked for us whenever I asked something different to be made, and you started making seera at home.

It was same seera mom that you took you long winding slow way of cooking, much to my annoyance. Same seera mummy that I took one and kept it aside on bed complainting it iwas too sweet for my taste, continuing with my office work...

Same seera, mummy that you cooked again, saying : lets have Seera...and i complaining that it was too sweet

and mummy .. tears and tears... falling on the plate. tears i didn't shed lying on the floor on the bedoom, like you're on the sleep

Tears i didn't shed, seeing you on your sleep, in your eternal sleep, and found you so beautiful i never saw you before. and i realized that i never had time to see you till the day you went to sleep telling me that that now you won't wake up to bother me again.

and tears and tears mummy.. .. i ate the seera you cooked and it was not sweet mummy.. did you make it for me,,,,?

and i ate that seera mom, with you left me many days back never to come back..

Mummy, with tears swelling and eating seera, i so much regret that i will never be able to see you and complain - that seera was sweet, that you watch TV so loud, that you're so slow while working, this is wrong and that is wrong..and this is wrong and that is wrong.

I missed you so much mom, never as much when you waited for me.....

its alright mom... I am just crying!!


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